This Weeks Events
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Open Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. with lunch at noon, Cedarville Senior Center offers a variety of activities including exercise classes, games, local outings, Bible study, guest speakers, hymn sings, and special events. Whether you’re looking for new friendships, engaging activities, or a sense of belonging, the Cedarville Senior Center is here for you—because life’s best moments are shared.
Learn MoreSee What Our Members are Saying
Joining the Cedarville Senior Center was a game-changer for me. I was immediately accepted and welcomed into the group."
- Nellie Hicks
The Cedarville Senior Center is a safe place with a welcoming atmosphere. You can enjoy fellowship, games, exercise, Bible studies, and crafts with others who share a lot of experiences that are similar to your own."
- Karen Cross
We are so thankful for the Cedarville Senior Citizens Center! For years my father looked forward to his time there and rarely missed a day. Having that outlet and friend group was so crucial and healthy for him."
- Sue Beikert